
Showing posts from 2015

Ola launches boats in flooded Chennai area

Do you know what it means to "take the stones they throw at you and use them to build your castle?" Here's a great example of this. When Chennai was flooded with incessant rains, people started joking on twitter - they said Ola will launch boat services soon. And Voila! Ola sensed the opportunity, caught the idea and actually went on with boat service! Local fishermen and Sports Authorities helped Ola with the numbers of boat owners. The company has provided raincoats and Ola stickers for the boats. The boats are used to transport food and water to people as well as ferry stranded people to safety. This is also a great example of taking business ideas from social media. Read the Times of India report here . Whatt an idea, Sirji!!

The story of peanuts and monkeys

This article has an incident - a small proof of why the media is in such a mess today with no unity among themselves, and no integrity or truth in the content that comes out - be it television or online or print. Paid Media is a deep-rooted problem - deeper menace than any of us can imagine. Earlier, in 2000s, it was one person, one reporter here and there, demanding 500 rupees for a TV byte of 20-25 seconds or more, and more for a story. It was also the live telecasts in favour of political parties for some favour to the reporter unknown to the rest. Cash, laptops, car, even flats and other stuff. There are tales of reporters cashing on scandals of politicians -crores of rupees. The colour of reporting changed in accordance with the gains. Clicked by me during one of the trips to my hometown. Symbolises the situation. Then came tele-programmes, soft in nature (cookery, fashion, astrology, cinema, health) but the guests had to pay to appear in such programmes. The probl

A visual feast: that is what RangiTharanga is

RangiTaranga. I thought it was an art film of sorts, then came to know it was a suspense thriller. But before going to the movie I seriously didn't expect such a commercial drama with a psychopath killer! Hats off to the director Anup Bhandari and the team for pulling it off! The movie is full of visual glory, including the colourful dressings of the characters. That, along with the cinematography and music, in my view, is the hero. The actors did their bit too. I loved the look and acting of Radhika Chetan, who plays the main heroine. For some reason I loved the song KeLe Cheluve too. The capturing of the bhootharadhane, yakshagana and the landscape - all beautiful. The plot doesn't let anyone to guess what is coming up next - that also is the hero in this cinema. In many scenes, particularly two murder scenes, the black screen leaves the viewers to imagine the goriness of the scene, though no blood is shown. That in my view makes it all more sinister. All you se