
Water Wisdom

Ever wondered what is this water filter all about? Do you still think the need to have it in your home? Then there are some insights for you here. Water is one precious resource on earth that doesn’t have any replacement. Though our planet is filled with 2/3 of water, most of the water is saline and not potable. Rain, ground water and rivers fulfill most of our drinking water needs. Water has never been created by man so far, but it has easily be polluted everywhere in the world by human activities. Rivers and ground water can be contaminated through chemicals from industries. Negligent discharge of drainage or household waste to water sources also pollutes water. The spilled oil in your kitchen which you poured to the wash basin, chemicals in the detergent powder that reached your drainage from the washing machine, and all organic and inorganic waste pollutes water. Inorganic substances add various metals to the water, while organic things cause various bacteria to grow. When there is

People from nowhere

It was suggested by someone to create awareness in our program, on the roadside sellers who put a tent and sell "Ayurvedic" medicines, and promise to cure all diseases. Topic seemed quite interesting, and we started off. The moment we got into the topic, all tent-sellers seemed like villains who indulge in anti-social activities. For the first two days we sneaked around their tents and took lot of video. Then many of their customers were interviewed. There was mixed response on the effectiveness of their medicine. There were doubts too, on their activities. Finally we got to interview the sellers themselves. To our surprise, they faced the camera boldly, and told everything about themselves. Most of them come from Haridwara, Hrushikesh and parts of UP. Their forefathers used to practise native medicine, and these people have learnt that by default. They get to know about what makes a person suffer, by checking the pulse. There are people who come to them, and get their small
Life's too hectic... Can't come out of the silence here... :(

The Flowers at the Feet...

This has been boiling inside me since so many days... the education system around me. Multiple languages, multiple religions, multiple political ideologies, multiple cultures... India is already torn into hundred and one pieces. We claim of Unity in diversity, but the fact remains to be seen by all... There are very few elements that bind all Indians together, most powerful among them being Cricket. If we search for such elements, there are very rare positive instances of this country becoming united... in expressions, views, deeds etc. Added to this is the inequality planted by our education system, which makes privileged get good education, and underprivileged get government education. Of late I’m in dilemma... government education system is meant for whom, and what is the purpose. The rural children who are bright but don’t have access to the private schools are getting educated in government schools, deprived of the courses running the current trends. Education is a booming busines